Mooncat is wild at heart. She revels in nature; running with the wind and chasing leaves, playing in meadows and basking in the sun. Eventually, however, the seasons change and as a chill creeps into the air, Mooncat’s friends seek their burrows and nests and soon she is left all alone. On a clear, freezing night she cries to the moon, wishing for help, which arrives in the form of Mr Fox who knows his neighbourhood well enough to make two wishes come true.
A beautifully illustrated story for children and cat lovers everywhere.

Roll Up Master Prickles!
Master Prickles is not allowed to go and play in the meadow with his friends until he can roll up into a ball. It takes him a while and some effort to achieve this, and just in time, for his new-found skill is soon put to the test!
This amusing tale introduces Master Prickles, Red Squirrel, Bright Robin, Rabbits, Badger Cub and Fox.Inspired by Richard Spare’s drypoints, this beautiful picture book for young children features both Kay Spare's watercolours and Richard's acclaimed drypoints of the main characters.

Mrs Timm’s Ten Cats
Mrs Timm loves cats; she has ten of all different shapes and sizes and very different characters...
We are introduced to each, from Twinkletoes Mogg, who was scared by a frog, to the noisy Milly Longtail, and not forgetting the BHD (can you guess?).
Can you spot which cat is which, and can you guess why Mrs Timm’s favourite cat is called the BHD?